more than a farm
At the foundation of the “More Than a Farm” vision is the utilization of a farm as a means to develop and share practices that honor the earth and the interconnectedness of all living things. Our greater goal is to create a movement that goes beyond our farm, and serves as a model to build more resilient, caring, and sustainable communities in the northeast Ohio region and beyond.
Upcoming Events
Thank you for a great summer of camp at the farm!
Ages 5 – 14, M-F 9 am to 3 pm. Sign up for a single or multiple weeks. July 15 – August 2
Go to Summer Camps for more information and to register
Fall Equinox
Fall Festival
Save the Date: Saturday, October 19
Sponsored by Chagrin Valley Learning Colective and Kelly’s Working Well Farm
Pastured Poultry from the Farm
We have birds from our 2nd chicken harvest in the freezer. Knowing where our food comes from and how it was raised and processed is an important part of reconnecting with the Earth and our part in the cycle of life. To order your chickens for on farm pickup let Kelly know. Chicken weight is between 3-5 lbs and the cost is $5.50/lb.
KWWF and CVLC on TV!
Thanks to Jack Shea and his crew from Fox News 8 for coming out to do a story about our situation! After the judge determined that our educational programming does qualify as agritourism, Bainbridge Township has decided to appeal that decision. This makes it harder for us to resolve the remaining fire code citations with the fire inspector continuing to claim that he is not qualified to inspect the buildings for which he issued those citations. Go to Public Awareness Campaign for updates and to learn more.
Kelly’s Working Well Farm is an educational permaculture farm dedicated to the community. We raise a wide variety of animals, and grow a diverse array of perennial fruit and nut trees and shrubs, plus herbs and an annual vegetable garden. The farm also showcases several structures using local materials and natural building techniques.
We believe the highest quality of learning occurs when a person engages in freely chosen activities on their own or with others.
Through our partnerships with like-minded organizations we are dedicated to building a more beautiful, healthy, inspiring community.
Fire Code violations may exist on this Property. No agritourism activity shall be held within ten feet of any of the structures including the yurt, pavilion, tree barn, red cottage, library, and farm store.